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Newlife Radiation Protective Material
Lead-free radiation shielding material used in Medicine Industry / Security Inspection / Food Industry / Nuclear Industry
Lead hazard: key facts
Lead is a poison that can be accumulated in the brain, liver, kidneys and bones.
Young children are particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of lead and can suffer profound and permanent adverse health effects, particularly affecting the
development of the brain and nervous system.
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimated that in 2017, 1.06 million people worldwide died due to the long-term health effects of lead
The harm of traditional lead shielding materials
Every year, more than 150,000 lead x-ray aprons are disposed of, adding in excess of one million pounds of toxic lead metal waste across the globe.
In the application, the lead content of the lead clothing surface is precipitated, and the package is also stained with lead. (Newlife SEM test report)
According to the Mayo Clinic, a recent study shows that many radiology professionals are reporting musculo skeletal pain from the weight of lead materials
Newlife lead free radiation shielding materials
Lead-free alternatives are easier to recycle and do not constitute a potential environmental contaminant
It can reduce the physical impact of wearing heavy radiation suits for a long time
For people who regularly or long-term contact or wear traditional lead shielding materials, z switching to lead-free benefits may change their lives.
New patent for lead-free radiation protection material
Radiation Protection Technology
There are three primary means which determine the amount of radiation received from a source: time, distance, and shielding.
Depending on the application, we optimize the shielding by designing the formulation, density and thickness of the raw materials to provide the required shielding level at the best price.
By using special shielding composites in polymer matrices, Newlife's lead-free radiation shielding materials provide equipment manufacturers and material processors with a completely lead-free
product that overcomes all regulatory issues and meets radiation shielding needs.
In addition, our X-ray and gamma ray shielding compounds are competitively priced compared to other lead-free shielding materials.